Birth Journeys: Birth Stories and Birth Education for Moms & Pregnant Individuals
Are you looking for a podcast to help you feel confident in your birth experience?
Then The Birth Journeys Podcast® is for you! We share powerful and transformative birth stories that illuminate the realities of childbirth. Hosted by a labor nurse and prenatal coach who specializes in transformational coaching techniques, this podcast goes beyond traditional birth narratives to foster healing, build trust, and create transparency between birthing individuals and healthcare providers.
In each episode, we dive into essential topics like birth preparation, debunking common misconceptions, understanding hospital procedures, and promoting autonomy in the birthing process. We also bring you the wisdom and insights of experienced birth workers and medical professionals.
This is a safe and inclusive space where every birth story is valued, honored, and deserves to be heard. Join us in exploring the diverse and unique experiences of birth givers, and discover how transformational coaching can empower your own birth journey.
Contact Kelly Hof at: birthjourneysRN@gmail.com
Birth Journeys: Birth Stories and Birth Education for Moms & Pregnant Individuals
Latest Episodes
The Healing Power of Touch: Motherhood, Advocacy & Infant Massage with Khyati Desai-Seltzer
Pearls of Wisdom: If you could go back, what would you tell yourself?
United States of Care and 100 Weeks of Maternal Support with Natalie Davis

Birth Shame and Reconnecting with Your Body with Wendy Powell CEO of MUTU System
Progesterone: Navigating Motherhood's Hormonal Maze with Dr. Shweta Patel

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